The National Affordable Housing Trusts (NAHT) is profoundly honored to recognize and celebrate the transformative contributions of John Parvensky, President & CEO of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH). John’s illustrious career spanning 37 years is a testament to his unwavering commitment and pioneering spirit. Under his leadership, CCH developed projects instrumental in providing hundreds of homes with integrated health care for those battling illness amidst chronic homelessness. In 2021, NAHT closed its second deal with CCH – The Forum Apartments. The Forum provided 100 subsidized homes for formerly homeless individuals in Denver, CO. NAHT congratulates John Parvensky on his tireless work as an advocate, champion, and creator of housing with services for people experiencing homelessness in Colorado.
John and NAHT’s Paul Cummings stand in front of CCH’s Stout Street Recuperative Care Facility and Renaissance Legacy Lofts [pictured], which will provide 75 medical respite beds and 98 permanent supportive housing units for people experiencing homelessness. Located in Arapahoe Square in Denver, this mixed-use property will meet the immediate healthcare needs of 400 people experiencing homelessness annually through medical services and recuperative care while providing permanent and affordable supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
During this recent meeting with Parvensky, Paul shared his admiration: “NAHT is proud to partner with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless and help support the CCH mission. We congratulate John on his tremendous career – including demonstrating a tenacious passion for pushing us, and all of his partners, to do the right thing to help solve the homelessness crisis in Colorado. We wish him all the best in his upcoming retirement.”